Current Issue
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When SIU started SIUJ in 2020, it was to meet the need for a truly international journal, publishing the highest quality articles and fully accessible to readers and authors worldwide.
Now the journal is established, the next step is for SIUJ to become indexed and to acquire an impact factor. During the SIU Congress in Istanbul, the SIU Board of Directors, after extensive consultation, concluded that these ambitious goals would be best realized through a strategic partnership with an external publisher that can provide the necessary resources and support. We are pleased to announce, therefore, that beginning with the first issue of 2024, SIUJ will be published by MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) https://www.mdpi.com/journal/siuj).
MDPI is the third largest academic publisher in the world, publishing more open access articles than Elsevier, Wiley-Blackwell, and Springer Nature. The SIUJ editorial team will work with a managing editor in MDPI's Toronto office, as well as with a specialized group that will guide the journal through the indexing process.
There will, of course, be changes to the way things work, but we hope and expect that the majority of authors, reviewers, and readers will notice very little as we make the transition.
Authors can submit manuscripts via the MDPI 'SuSy' portal via the SIUJ website or by going to "https://susy.mdpi.com/user/manuscripts/upload?form[journal_id]=603". Manuscripts in process in the current ScholarOne system on January 15 will be transferred to the MDPI system automatically. Authors do not need to take action and will be notified as usual when their papers are ready to move to the next stage.
Invitations to review manuscripts for SIUJ will now come from the MDPI SuSy portal with complete instructions for accessing the new system and the papers for review.
We will, of course, keep you updated as things proceed. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact communications@siu-urology.org.
Thank you for helping to make the SIUJ the success it is. We hope we can look forward to your continued support as the journal moves to the next stage.